As you might have guessed you are on a new page.
At first this means that you wasted more time already
by sitting in front of a computer.
I am going to give you a short overview:
All this is on a lonely planet at the end of the universe.
The Intergalactic Conference gives some 2000 CyberDones to every
new settler - what a waste!
If you want one of this planets you have to
generate an Empire.
Now you know and don't tell me I didn't warn you.
Oh yes. A small tip from me: before you buy useless things
watch your food production. And you may sell goods you don't need...
You just have to know where.
...looks like you want to stay. I thought so.
But ok. Clean your feet, don't make any hectic mouse movements
and do not touch the screen. Please avoid to talk to yourself for
a longer period than 10 seconds and do not hit your keyboard too hard.
To the right you'll get a villa in which you may live.
It produces some energy and food - what a luxus -
and a really big garden which gives you plants an animals.
Besides, don't try the soup there.